Game time. Work time. Chill time. All rely on lightning-fast Wi-Fi. Little is more frustrating than slow internet.
Many things can cause your connection to falter from unauthorized users to a poorly-placed router and even an outdated modem. What’s the best way to get faster internet? We can help.
Keep reading for Wi-Fi tips and tricks that are so easy, anybody can try them.
1. Move your router
Ideally, your router has a central place in your home where it can reach every room you need the internet. Thick walls, a basement and even other electronic devices can all disrupt what would otherwise be a strong Wi-Fi signal.
If you’ve just moved and aren’t sold on where it should go, we recommend testing a few areas that keep your favorite spots well within the manufacturer’s maximum Wi-Fi reach. This will vary by brand. Hiring somebody to install the router and modem can be helpful if you’re not sure.
2. Change DNS settings
Adjusting your DNS settings is one of the most common ways to optimize a connection. DNS, short for domain name system, is the protocol by which a common URL is translated into a website’s IP address, allowing you to view it.
DNS servers are location-based, but many other factors influence which one you should be using at home. OpenDNS and, Cloudflare IPv4 and and Google’s and are all popular and effective options.Â
Here’s how you can make the switch on a PC:
- Access the Power User Menu by pressing the Win + X buttons.
- Choose Network Connections.
- Select Change adapter options under Advanced network settings.
- Right-click on Wi-Fi, then click Properties.
- After highlighting Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), click Properties again.
- Enable the Use the following DNS server addresses.
- Plug in any of the DNS providers above, or another one not listed here.
- Save your settings by clicking OK.
And, for macOS:
- Enter Network under System Preferences.
- Navigate into Advanced, followed by DNS.
- Use the + and – buttons to add and remove DNS servers.
Tap or click here for a more in-depth look at changing DNS settings.
3. Try restarting the modem
When you’ve just about had it with slow Wi-Fi, there’s one simple trick that might help speed things up. Unplug your router or modem and wait for 60 seconds before plugging it back in.
This clears its memory and potentially ends a debilitating task slowing down your internet. If you do this once every month, you might be able to extend the lives of your internet equipment, enjoying faster speeds in the process.