Trolls in the digital world are usually considered those who intentionally post or send messages to cause disruption. And they are loathed by most because they are just trying to get a rise out of someone for no good reason.
Scammers – equally hated, try to get you for your hard earned money or identities. They have a more pointed approach but are still trying to get as many people as possible.
So what happens when a (good) troll, trolls a scammer? It’s genius!
Scammer hilariously trolled by woman
So it went down like this, Shaina Gimao received a text from someone claiming she has won a laptop. It looked like a total scam from the beginning, who randomly gives away free laptops through text message. As we always say, think it’s “too good to be true?”, then it probably is.
(Image: Scam text message Source:Â Shaina Gimao via Twitter)
Most people just ignore these types of messages. There isn’t much recourse you can take but blocking the number it came from. But that’s not to say they won’t just send from a different number.
Best response ever
Gimao knew this fell under the “too good to be true” category, so she decided to have some fun.
(Image: Scam text message Source:Â Shaina Gimao via Twitter)
She responded by saying the scammer had now been subscribed to a “Prayer of the Day!” service. Then the scammer would be charged 50 Pesos for the service, followed up with the first “Prayer of the Day!”, Psalm 16:8.
The scammer wasn’t pleased.
(Image: Scam text message Source:Â Shaina Gimao via Twitter)
The unknown scammer responded, trying to cancel. She continued to troll and sent, “Sorry, you have entered an invalid code. Please try again.”
That was followed by the same “Cancel” message, just leading the scammer around in circles! Now that is what I would say is a good troll. Definitely worth a laugh.
It’s not too often people find a way to get back at scammers, but Gimao wasn’t going to become a victim. That’s why we all need to be vigilant, not only online but also through our phones.
Beware of sneaky phishing scams
Emails can get overwhelming and of course, the ever-opportunistic scammers will try and slip a quick email scam on unsuspecting people. In fact, email phishing scams remain the most widespread method for stealing customer information. Here’s how to spot them.