Using the internet is a complicated affair. It may not feel like that to you as a user. You click on your browser and get on with your day — it’s as easy as pie.
Behind the scenes, though, is a whole different story. It’s full of numbers like your Internet Protocol (IP) address, basically your digital home address. This numeric label distinguishes your phone or computer from other devices worldwide.
When you type in a website, your computer translates that into numbers, searching the site’s IP address and loading it onto your screen. Just as money makes the world go round, so, too, do numbers keep the internet chugging along. But your whole digital world can crash when someone snatches your IP address.
An exposed IP address puts you in danger
Your IP address plays a significant role in sending and receiving data online. It’s tied to sensitive information, like your online identity and location. If someone tracks down this number, they could use it as a starting point for nefarious purposes.
Sadly, it’s easy for strangers online to find your IP address. It’s a huge vulnerability: They could hack your device or steal your identity. Or they could enter your address into a free tracking website like to find out where you live. It even comes with a built-in map:

A lot of people on social media apps will doxx one another. Suppose you comment that you like pineapple on pizza on Twitter. Someone having a bad day might respond by tracking down your IP address, posting your name and address and calling their followers, like “Let’s protest in front of their house.”
Of course, that’s a light-hearted example. Reality can be much grimmer.
And get this: Tracing someone else’s IP address is legal. Authorities only intervene when people use one another’s IP addresses for crimes. All the apps and websites you use collect your IP address and other private data.
So, how does someone find out your IP address?
First, they could try to impersonate you. For instance, a hacker could break into a vulnerable social media account if you aren’t using two-factor authentication. If you reuse passwords, they could break into even more accounts until they reach one with sensitive data. Then, it’s a free-for-all with your private info.
Hackers can collect your IP address if you connect to a vulnerable public Wi-Fi network. They can even be nefarious and create a link that gives away your IP address upon clicking it.
That’s another reason you should never click on suspicious links online. You could be giving away your location!
This is the best way to protect yourself from prying eyes
Big Tech companies are supposed to handle our personal data safely, but now they’re getting into the political game. I don’t want to be any part of that, nor should you.
That’s why we trust and use our sponsor, ExpressVPN. Big Tech companies match your internet activity to your identity or location by using your public IP address, but with ExpressVPN, no one can see your IP address – no one.
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