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This forecast map shows where COVID may spread 2 weeks from now

As temperatures cool, there are concerns that we can see an uptick in COVID-19 cases. Though most cities and states relaxed their policies as vaccinations increased, some tightened things up again as new variants spread.

If you’re planning to travel within the U.S., you should know what you’re getting into before reaching your destination. Mask requirements, travel restrictions and emergency declarations vary from state to state. Tap or click here to track COVID policy activity across the country.

The Mayo Clinic has created a map that shows a rolling average of daily COVID cases for the past week across the country. There’s also an option for a 14-day forecast. All data and predictions include the Delta variant and other SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Tracking the virus

Though we can’t look too far down the road, we can get an idea of what things will be like shortly. The Mayo Clinic tracks COVID-19 cases and hotspots in the U.S. to keep its staff and hospitals safe. It shares this data with an interactive map so we can do the same for ourselves.

The map tracks rolling averages of daily cases for the past week. The Mayo Clinic says that this 7-day average is the best sign of hot spots, as local health departments now focus on vaccine reporting rather than case counts every 24 hours.

You can find the interactive map at It shows average daily cases per 100,000 people. Grab the slider and you can scroll from the past 24 hours to the last 60 days. Hovering your mouse over a state gives you more detailed statistics.

Toggling Show 14-day forecast will allow you to move the slider forward from tomorrow to two weeks down the road.

If you are fully vaccinated, the CDC says that you can return to many activities that you did before the pandemic without wearing a mask. Check local laws for exceptions. The public health agency also recommends you continue to wear a mask if you’re in an “area of substantial or high transmission” of new cases.

More data

Scroll down from the hot spot map and you’ll find another one showing total cases for the U.S. This map works similarly, but rather than showing daily cases, it shows cumulative figures from the start of the pandemic to current day.

A list of states below each map break down the statistics. Click on a state to see the same data as the U.S. page, but at state level.

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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, advice, or health objectives.

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