Think about all of the critical information stored on your computer. With so much of our lives being conducted in the digital world these days, I’m sure it’s a ton.
Most of our computers contain such things as banking information, tax documents, saved passwords and more. Can you imagine someone snooping around and getting their hands on all that? Scary, right?
If you do have sensitive info on your computer, you might want to take extra precautions to lock it down. This download can help.
I’m talking about a tool for Windows dubbed PREDATOR.

It protects your computer by locking and unlocking it with a USB flash drive. Even if your Windows session is still active, your PC will be locked if you’re away.
PREDATOR uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device. Here’s how it works:
- Insert a USB drive
- Do your work on your PC
- When you leave your PC, simply remove the USB drive – once it’s removed, the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens
- Once you return to your computer, put the USB drive back in place – this enables the keyboard and mouse and the display is restored
Basically, you download and install PREDATOR on your PC and a flash drive. Once it’s set up, the computer will only work when the USB drive is plugged in.
Pull it out and the display goes dark and the keyboard and mouse are disabled. Plug it back in to get back to work.
You can have several flash drives as keys for the same computer, so everyone in your family (or only certain members) can unlock a particular PC.
More than security
It can be used for more than just securing your PC. It can also be used to limit the amount of time your kids spend on their computers. You can control their PC time by only letting them have the USB drive when needed.
PREDATOR is free to download for Windows users and comes with a 10-day free evaluation period. However, if you choose to continue using the software you will have to purchase a license for each computer that you’re going to use it on.
There are three versions to choose from. The Home Edition costs $10 with no support. The Professional Edition is $15 with no support. There’s also a Professional Edition with one-year support and that costs $30.
To download PREDATOR, simply click on the link we’ve provided below inside the blue box. If you’re reading this article using the app, you might not see the blue box. If not, click here to see it and download the software.