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Security & privacy

Most Americans believe they’re being tracked – Are you one of them?

You’re telling a friend about a product or TV show, and then you see an ad for it in your browser or on social media. Feel like you’re being watched? You’re not alone.

  • 80% are worried about companies following them via ad tracking.
  • 60% believe phones are listening to them.
  • 74% are convinced smart home devices are always listening. 
  • 60% believe the government is tracking their phone data.
  • 13% have considered buying a “dumb” phone to limit how much data they’re putting out there.

The survey of over 800 people shows that it’s not just Boomers feeling stress. Just as many millennials are worried about ad tracking.

As for the government tracking phone data, Gen X, Gen Z and millennials all outnumber the older generation when it comes to distrust.

The bottom line: As long as you’re using a connected device, someone is watching what you do. But you can fight back! 

Here are detailed tips for taking back your privacy → 

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