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Twitter viral book
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How to score a bestseller in 2023

Swap your literary agent for a Twitter influencer. A relatively unknown book ended up on Amazon’s Bestseller List in just 24 hours thanks to just one tweet. Check this out:

“This Is How You Lose The Time War,” written by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, is a science fiction novel written in the form of letters between two time travelers. It won a few awards (including the prestigious 2020 Hugo Award for Best Novella) but largely flew under the radar.

Until this tweet:

It came from a ’90s anime fan account with 25K followers and a name made to go viral: Bigolas Dickolas WoIfwood. 

The tweet went wild (10 million views!) and so did book sales 

It helped, of course, that the book lives up to the hype. Our amazing content Queen Allie read it and loved it.

The power of social media: Earlier this year, Lloyd Devereux Richards’ daughter, Marguerite, wanted to help her dad sell a few copies of his 2012 novel. She posted about “Stone Maidens” to TikTok, and the book hit No. 1 on Amazon. Ok, this is one TikTok trend I can get behind — You can read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

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