
The most annoying things people do on flights (survey)

Delays and traffic are big travel bummers, but what about when the person next to you on the plane is … that guy or gal? You can imagine it, right? All the little things they’re doing that set your teeth on edge? It’s not just you.

Skyscanner, that handy travel search engine, worked with OnePoll to survey 2,000 travelers to see what grates their nerves the most. Here are the results:

7. Seat swap saga: You settle into your window seat, and someone asks to swap seats. Annoying? You betcha. About 31% of survey-takers agreed. Next time you’re in a seat dispute or really need to move, skip the drama and take it up with the flight crew. 

6. Armrest hogging: You’re cramped enough, and your neighbor goes full octopus on the armrests. 31% said that’s a big no-no. 

5. Recline decline: Another 31% of respondents find it bothersome when you push that seat back. The internet is divided: While some argue for comfort on long-haul flights, others say it’s just plane rude.

4. Footloose and fancy-free: A solid 35% find it gross when someone airs out their dogs mid-flight. 

3. Overly-chatty Cathy: Small talk at 35,000 feet isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. About 39% wish you’d keep the conversation to a minimum.

2. Speakerphone faux pas: 42% get peeved when fellow passengers blast calls or videos. Agreed! Headphones were invented for a reason.

1. Mid-flight manicures: And the crown of cringe goes to … personal grooming. 42% said no, no, no to people clipping nails or, heaven forbid, trimming facial hair in-flight. 

Looking at this list makes my last flight to Europe not seem so bad.