
Looking for free COVID tests? Don’t do this

Life is almost back to normal after a rough couple of years dealing with a global pandemic. At-home COVID tests became a must-have item to navigate the crisis. While there are legit ways to get these tests for free, scammers are now cashing in with elaborate phishing schemes. Things are so bad that the Better Business Bureau is sounding the alarm.

Read on to learn how COVID test scams work and how to avoid being taken.

Fake at-home COVID scams have gone viral

The government started distributing free at-home COVID tests last year for anyone who ordered them. There were a few rounds of free tests available. The tests are free to order and ship, and you don’t need to enter any payment information on the site the government created. Tap or click here for more details.

But with millions of people wanting to get their hands on an at-home test, supplies were limited and sometimes hard to come by. Scammers saw this as an opportunity to make money. Now, they are using limited quantities of free tests as a ruse.

According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), scammers might send you a text message, email, or even call you. They claim you are eligible for free at-home COVID-19 tests from your insurance or the government, but you must apply immediately as quantities are limited.

That’s where the scam kicks in. To get the free tests, you must supply your name, contact information, and insurance information, including copies of your insurance cards or Medicare number. They may also ask for your credit card number to cover a small delivery fee.

Warning! Don’t do it! If you agree, you’ll hand your sensitive personal information to scammers. Making matters worse, you will never receive the tests. They never existed.

How to avoid COVID-19 test scams

If you think you’re a scam victim, report it to BBB.org/ScamTracker. Your information can help others to stay alert and avoid similar scams.

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